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How do you sell on mobile web?

This is a question we are often asked and there is no easy answer. The truth is, the best way to sell on mobile web, is to do exactly what you would normally do on your website. The most important thing is to ensure you have a mobile optimised website.

This may sound expensive to many of you, but it does not need to be. It does involve an investment in terms of money and time, but the rewards will give you a real return on your outlay. If you need to optimise your site for mobile web, speak to a reputable developer with experience in this area.

What you need is mobile friendly representation of your main site. It should work well on Apple and Android phones. The most important aspect of a mobile site is ensuring the sizing of the text and images work well, and making sure it will load quickly from a mobile device.

If you use a mobile device, you will have come across websites that are obviously not optimised for mobile web. The tell-tale signs are links that lead to nowhere, Flash animations that do not load, videos that cannot be accessed, and text that is almost impossible to read!

Don’t get too worried or stressed if you don’t understand exactly what is required. By working with a good developer you will have access to the latest techniques in mobile web design. This is not something we suggest you do yourself, not unless you are confident in web design and understand the requirements of mobile web.

As a guide, your mobile website should have clear links to your information, a link for customers wishing to sign up, and your contact information, including a link to Google maps, should all be added. If you offer e-commerce, make sure it is easy to do via a mobile phone. Many companies prefer to develop a shopping app and use their mobile web page as the landing page directing customers to the download page.

Speak to your developer about your aspirations and requirements. They will work with you to develop the perfect mobile site to meet your needs and keep your mobile customers happy.