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Proven and Smart Ways to Gain Website Traffic

There are endless ways to increase a website’s traffic. However, for the beginners it is quite difficult to choose the most suitable way. Here are a few simple and proven ways to improve the overall traffic of a website.


Content is the cornerstone of a website, if it is not up to the mark it may hamper a website’s growth.

You content should be:

  • Original

  • Relevant/helpful

  • Entertaining

  • User friendly


  • Eliminate duplicate content.

  • Omit jargon.

  • Use active voice.

  • Use

  • Write educational and evergreen content.


It must be noted that title or heading attracts the maximum number of eyeballs.


  • Create catchy titles.

  • Include keywords in your titles.

  • Follow the standard practices.


If you want extensive traffic to your blog or website, you must focus on making the best use of keywords. Use keywords appropriately across the website from image, videos, text, to articles and press releases.


  • Use the best keyword analysis tools (kwfinder, adwords, wordstream, etc.)

  • Use the right keyword to promote your website.

  • Analyse keyword difficulty, volume and competitive metrics for better results.

  • Use SERP analysis tools.

  • Analyse keyword density across the content.

  • Avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Include alternative text for images.

  • Use long tail keywords across the website.

Mobile-friendly website

According to study, 67% of users are more likely to buy from a mobile-friendly site than a non-mobile friendly one. Hence, develop a mobile-friendly website.


  • Use responsive design (According to Wikipedia, responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop web pages to be viewed in response to the size of the screen or web browser one is viewing with.)

  • Include a viewport meta tag.

  • Use high-quality images.

  • Use videos on your site.

Focus on Conversion Rates

Conversion rates are calculated by simply taking the number of conversions and dividing that by the number of total ad clicks that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period”.

Hence, it is crucial for business owners to focus on conversion rates. For that, it is important to:

  • Remove website errors.

  • Use CTAs.

  • Use social proofs.

  • Add persuasive designs and layout.

  • Use videos and infographics.

  • Use adequate internal links.

  • Focus on design elements.

  • Study and implement behavioural psychology.

  • Understand the concept of sales funnel.

  • Understand the journey from clicks to sales.

  • Simplify navigation.

Video Marketing

Today, Video Marketing has become the best marketing technique to engage visitors. So, include videos in your marketing strategy to gain substantial advantages.


  • Create short videos with high-quality images and voice over.

  • Create awesome, emotional or inspiring stories.

  • Upload videos to the maximum number of video sharing websites (Vimeo, Dailymotion, Metacafe, YouTube, etc.)

So, use the above mentioned techniques to increase your site’s traffic.