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Practical advantages of using online marketing

Online marketing (digital marketing) is rising in popularity across the globe. In fact, it has become the leading strategy for businesses to improve their operations, build reputations and networking and generate leads. However, there are still some businesses that are far away from online marketing. Businesses must embrace it to survive and grow seamlessly to build their brands.


  • On an average, companies respond to only 30% of social media fans’ feedback.
  • 45% of the world’s 2 billion internet users live in Asia.
  • 64% of smart phone owners use their mobile devices to shop online.
  • 73% of smart phone owners access social networks through apps at least once per day.

According to Wikipedia, Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet.

Online marketing often includes:

  • content marketing,
  • social media,
  • websites,
  • search engine optimisation,
  • online video,
  • email marketing,
  • paid search, etc.


  • Businesses use online marketing (digital marketing) to improve their visibility and credibility on the web.
  • Most businesses publish educational content and share it on social media sites.
  • Most marketers use four criteria: strategies and objectives, tactics and execution, measurement and business outcomes, to evaluate their online marketing programs

Here are a few advantages of using Online marketing for a successful business:

Online marketing helps to convey messages

Online marketing allows business owners to disseminate their messages through blogging, social media posts, videos and even webinars to their audiences.


  • Use images and videos to disseminate business messages in an interactive manner.
  • Blog posts and articles are 80% more “consumable” when they contain a colourful image, header, or an infographic.
  • Publish research articles to improve the understanding of users.

Online marketing improves relationships

One of the best ways to build long-term relationships with audiences is to use different types of social media sites. Businesses use email marketing and provide newsletters to connect with their audiences.


  • 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute their content.


  • Use LinkedIn to establish new relations with professionals and improve your brand image.
  • LinkedIn helps to enhance personal branding, so, use it accordingly.

Online marketing helps to target customer specifically

One of the best advantages of using online marketing is that businesses can convey messages to specific niche according to their business objectives. It allows marketers to efficiently promote their products or services for a specific group of people.


  • Use hashtags on social media to make your message specific.
  • Create webinars for niche specific audience.

Online marketing is comparatively affordable

Online marketing is cheaper and allows marketers to generate leads at lower cost than expected. Both blogging and social media are highly effective as well as affordable to adopt.


According to a survey, leads generated online through sources such as blogging, social media, and search engine optimisation – cost 61% less than traditional outbound leads.


  • Boost your business’s productivity by keeping costs down by using video chat.
  • Use Facebook Events to connect with people.

Online marketing is profitable and effective

Unlike any other marketing mediums, online marketing is profitable, efficient, result oriented and measurable. In fact, it allows online businesses to outrank their competitor and improve their brand image as well.

Some of the apparent benefits of using online marketing are:

  • Seamless growth
  • Productivity
  • Cost efficiency
  • Operational effectiveness
  • Customer satisfaction
  • sales excellence

So, get your marketing strategy on track by using online marketing for your business.