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Incredible SEO Techniques to Improve a Site’s Visibility

SEO is unpredictable and somewhat obscure to most of the online marketing experts. That is why, it is essential to utilise the proven and effective ways to improve the overall visibility of a website.

Here are a few proven and effective ways to follow:

Optimise Google featured snippet

According to Hubspot, a Featured Snippet appears in some search engine results pages (SERPs), usually when a question-based query is being searched for.

Why should you optimise Google featured snippets?

If you want to dominate search results, increase your site’s overall credibility as well as traffic, you need to optimise Google featured snippets. For that, you need to:

  • Write relevant, well-formatted and high quality content.

  • Use images, bullet points and steps to provide content in a clear manner.

  • Write in an easy language so that people can understand your concepts easily.

  • Craft your content in an FAQ format.

  • Write short paragraphs.

Benefits of optimising Google featured snippets:

  • Improved traffic.

  • Better visibility of a website.

  • Increase trust as well as credibility.

Focus on region-specific content

According to some studies, most websites do not offer region-specific content, which is a big mistake. Local audiences always look for localised content; hence, you need to:

  • Perform keyword research according to the region.

  • Write content to reflect local search trends.

  • Use region-specific keywords across the content.

  • Work with native writers, speakers as well as editors.

  • Create separate landing pages for multiple locations.

Focus on improving website authority

It is a well-established fact that you need to craft evergreen and relevant content in order to improve the authority of your website.

How to improve the authority of a website?

  • Use long-tail keywords across the content.

  • Try to get backlinks from high-authority sites.

  • Write content based on the search intent.

  • Carefully optimise your on-page content.

  • Improve internal link structure.

  • Perform link audit and remove bad backlinks.

  • Create and publish impressive business profile.

  • Stay connected to your audiences.

Monitor and Measure results

SEO strategies require you to take scrupulous tracking and measurements of your progress. For that, you must use the information from the SEO metrics to see the improvement. It will also help you to formulate a more impressive SEO strategy.


  • Maintain a record of measuring progress. (record changes before, during and after the implementation of a strategy).

  • Monitor your page rankings as well as click-through rate.

  • Measure time on page, exit rate and social shares, etc.

  • Adjust your SEO tactics according to the results.

So, follow the above given SEO techniques to improve the visibility of your website.