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Easy Ways to Analyse Your SEO Competitors

Competitors always keep you on your toes. Watching what your competitors do can teach you about your business to gain success.

Here are a few steps to follow:

Find your competitors

You can’t beat your competitors, unless you don’t know them. That is why, it is essential to know your competitors. To identify your closest competitors, you need to conduct a search (Google search) about your target keywords and make a list of the websites (from SERP).

Visit Your Competitors’ websites

The very next step is to visit your competitor’s websites and study them thoroughly. Study certain important elements like:

  • Website design

  • Content quality

  • Static or dynamic URLs, etc.

Analyse Keywords

Keywords are vital for SEO success. This is why, carry out keyword research. By the way keyword density also plays an important role in ranking. (Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. Source – Wikipedia.)


  • Use Keyword Density Cloud tool.

  • Never forget to check the location of keywords (headings, metatags, image tags, etc.)

  • Check both short and long-tail keywords as well as their usage.

Check Competitiors’ Backlinks

Backlinks are the lifeblood of SEO. Hence, examine backlinks of your competitors. For that, you need to look:

  • The total number of backlinks,

  • Origin of backlinks as well as anchor text, etc.

In this way, you might get some backlink ideas.

Tools to check backlinks:

  • Majestic

  • Moz

  • Monitorbacklinks

  • Ahrefs (provide you with updated data about the link profile.)

  • Semrush

  • Linkody (Also helps you to pinpoint and disavow spammy links.)

  • cognitiveSEO

Other Essential SEO Factors

Keywords and backlinks are vital; however, you also need to check your competitors’ Page Ranks/authenticity/credibility.

You should also look at:

  • The number of indexed pages

  • The total number of web pages.

Presence on Social Media

Today, you cannot perform without social media. Social media drives a lot of traffic and improves the overall credibility of a website.

Check social bookmarking sites and top social sites to analyse the posts/activities of your competitors.


Today, many businesses rely on PPC to drive traffic. They often mix PPC with SEO techniques in order to gain the optimum benefits.

So, identify your competitor’s PPC strategies and try to integrate them in your existing marketing plan.

In this way, you can analyse your competitors, gain strategic insights and transform your marketing plan.