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A Few Secrets of SEO That Can Make Your Website Visible

Online businesses always look for a secret formula of success and to achieve that they try various methods and techniques. A growing number of business owners embrace both online and offline marketing and optimisation techniques to dominate the niche; however, they often miss the bull’s eye because they fail to understand that different industries require different approaches.  Hence, they need to customize their SEO activities accordingly.

Here are a few secrets of SEO that can make your website visible:

Achieve backlinks from different sources – Achieving backlink is still the most critical factor for good rankings. Hence, in order to grow and thrive, you need to achieve as many backlinks as possible for your website. You need to create the finest content that can give you backlinks from authoritative websites. Write such content that can attract the maximum number of visitors; you can write or create:

  • content having original surveys,
  • expert interviews,
  • industry infographics,
  • explanatory videos.

Optimize your website completely – It is difficult to understand all the ranking factors and signals of Google; therefore, the best idea is to optimize your website completely and also according to its guidelines. You should specifically focus on these 3 major elements:

  • Links
  • Content
  • RankBrain

You need to write your content in a simple language that is understandable, readable and industry specific.

Use Rich snippets – Rich snippets (structured data markup) are a type of on page mark-up. They are the extra bits of text that appear under search results. These help search engines to provide more relevant results. In addition, rich snippets help users to determine the relevancy of specific results on the SERP. You can use rich snippets for:

  • Products
  • Events
  • Businesses & Organizations
  • Reviews
  • Video content, etc.

This will increase traffic to your website and help search engines to find your website easily.

Include related topics and words in your content – You must use both, short and long-tail keywords in your high quality content. You should also use keyword(s) in your internal and external links for more prominence. To boost your rankings significantly, make use of related words or phrases that your users might search for.

Focus on users’ intent – Your content must solve the problems of your users. Your website should display relevant and specific information that answer specific questions. In a nutshell, your content should meet the needs and expectations of your users. So, select your keywords cautiously and keep users’ intent in your mind.


Use these strategies to beat your competitors, gain visibility on the web and carve your niche in the market.