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9 Ways to Measure the Performance of Your Youtube Videos

YouTube Video Marketing is one the most productive and interactive ways to promote a business. More and more business owners use it to educate their customers and spread their messages. They use various tools and techniques to create better YouTube videos. However, when it comes to performance measurement and evaluation, people often ignore it. Performance measurement and evaluation are critical elements that need to be focused to improve and adjust the overall video marketing strategy for better outcomes.

Here are a few ways to measure the performance of your YouTube videos:

  • Monitor Views – Keep track of your viewers and adjust your video marketing strategy accordingly.
  • Identify and understand the source of Traffic – It is essential to identify the source of your traffic to analyze and measure your videos’ reach. This will also help you to optimize your videos.
  • Determine Audience Demographics – In YouTube analytics section, you must explore your audience’s demographics (age and gender) so that you can modify your video according to their interest and preferences.
  • Explore Geographical Impact – YouTube analytics allows you to access your viewers’ report to understand more about their geographical areas. You can identify top locations of your viewers to extend your reach.
  • Analyse and evaluate Audience Retention – Evaluating the quality of your views is important when it comes to video marketing. Audience Retention page informs you about the quality of your video and its ability to retain viewers. You can identify your weaknesses and eliminate them.
  • Monitor Subscription Rate – It is important to know about your subscribers base. This will allow you to understand the overall reach of your YouTube video. Analyze subscription rate to create better videos for your customers.
  • Analyze Social Shares – YouTube analytics allows you to view the total amount of shares your video has received over time. This will help you to take relevant action to edit or improve your video.
  • Respond to Comments – You should never ignore comments of your customers .You must respond them properly to increase their engagement.
  • Always check Your Likes, Dislikes & Favourites – This is one of the best ways to determine the quality of your video. In fact, likes, dislikes & favourites are the great indication of your video’s credibility, readability and ability to persuade viewers.

Measure the performance of your videos to improve their overall quality.

Quick tips:

  1. Create videos to educate your customers.
  2. Your video should be strictly informative.
  3. Always include call-to-action in your videos.
  4. Make sure that your videos evoke emotions.
  5. Choose appropriate keywords that are relevant to your business.
  6. Always create a YouTube channel.
  7. Consider resources like Google Trends or viral Twitter hashtags for trendy topics.
  8. Videos can be helpful for spreading your messages.
  9. Use quality images that are relevant to your specific content.
  10. Add annotations to your YouTube videos.